Tag Archives: Advice

Men vs. Women!

15 Jun

What’s wrong with us? Men vs. Women!

There is a puzzle in my head for a long time now. Why can’t we just get along?

Hmmm, I don’t think that I will ever get a complete answer on whats wrong with these two species, thinking there is something wrong with the other specie, but yet they engage in further wrongness and go create another mini specie which will grow old and still will not know the answer!

I know, because I’m the “product” of those two species!

I puzzled you, right? evil smile 🙂

I don’t wanna sound revolutionary, but it might be it!

I think I found the puzzle of that wrongness!! What’s wrong with them?

This question is not valid anymore, and it is not acceptable!

We should ask, what’s wrong with ourselves? Why we engage in relationships that are just, well , wrong?

You talk rubbish for the other specie, you say you can’t stand them, you can do it on your own, they are all the same, they will never change, they are hazard to your core emotional, mental, physical health, and huge errors in your life? And yet, you are attached to them.

So my dear ones, STOP HAUNTING THEM THEN! You talk about this “beast “ so evil and mean that they could crush you, and what do you do? You shake your tail feathers in front of their nasty teeth! It is like drowning yourself again with your own hands. You jump in the endless pit all over again, like it is your pleasure and you love to see yourself bleeding!

One must enter the” Jungle” when it is ready, it needs maturity, self-respect, emotional intelligence and respect for another. You just can’t love somebody else as long as you don’t love and respect yourself! CAN’T.

Hold your teeth, hold your tongue from spitting poison. Grow the seed of love from within your heart and then let somebody else water it and bring it to blossom! No such great things come from outside as from the inside power!

I once heard: ”Life and love begins from the inside out, only death follows from outside in”

Ps: I’ m calling love life with the metaphor of a Jungle, because that’s what it is. A rollercoaster of emotions, an excitement and fear, a state of bliss and state of despair, a place of rules and place of freedom, a home of the calmed butterflies and the angry beasts. All so beautifully mixed together in a chaotic way that makes perfect sense.

“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future”

― Deepak Chopra

Seeds of Love

Seeds of Love